USPS delivered the compass today, it's a used Ritchie SP-5 with a serial of 078 from ES Ritchie and Sons. The compass was packed in two boxes and wrapped in a tight trash bag. I was aware that the compass needed a rebuild and I got my paperwork ready to get the job done the right way.

Here is a shot of the compass before I removed the stailess cover and light.

You can see where the mineral oil has leaked out of the compass, there are some small scratches in the clear cover, there is a replacment sold for 54.00
I removed the two top screws and removed the light, it looks like someone had soldered the leads to the unit, I will replace the attachment back to spec's

Here the cover has been removed and the screws taken off the mounts, oil was leaking at the seal, the new o- ring cost 12.00. I then removed the top cover and removed all the oil.

Here you can see the screw to remove or replace the oil, the compass had been repaired before, a service sticker was attached to the base.

Here you can see the model number and serial.

I removed all the oil from the compass and cleaned the dial, the card, and ran new filtered oil over the parts cleaning small grit from the compass.

Here is the photo of the oil, it was dirty and needed to be cleaned and refilled.

More photos of the cover and base parts cleaned. I ordered a new o- ring and I will polish the glass with some micromesh ultra fine sandpaper and toothpaste.

Here is a photo of the base of the unit, cleaned and set in a box to polish.

Overall it will be a great buy. A new compass like this one runs 524.00 and 800.09 retail, I picked this one up for 75.00 plus shipping cost.