Welocome to our Ericson 33 blog. We have become 1/2 owner of an Ericson 33 designed by Ron Holland. Last weekend my wife and I got the proposal of our life, ownership of our 4 th sailboat, a true yacht. Welcome and enjoy our journey of cleaning, updating and sailing our new pride and joy.

We are the other half of this proposal and equally as excited about the partnership. We had every intention of resurrecting our lady to ship shape condition, but due to lack of time and knowledge, this beauty succumbed to disrepair and left us with the feeling of being neglectful parents with no hope in sight. Alas, came the McKillips'. Our meeting through a mutual friend one year ago has finally evolved into a partnership that is two fold. Resurrecting a jewel and embarking on an adventure that is sure to last a lifetime.